
A few words about Leros!

Leros here somewhere ... Ritsos saw the cyclamen which looks a crevasse. Somewhere here the sad eyes of the policeman who guarded political prisoners Partheni during the dictatorship, was provided by the vivid colors of the frescoes in the santa kiura.

No, it has beaches, Caribbean, cute villages and so on. But it Saint Isidore-like acrobats to the sea, has a mill in St. Marina stubbornly floated on water.

Above all, it is people will get out of hand to show you the castle, Panagia Kavouradaina or wonderful dirt roads leading to the Italian artillery in World War II.

Here once heard The Guns of Navarone - and whispers of Italian soldiers are one with air condition the lashes Skoumparda. This place does not prove anything. They will simply soak the travel agenda and you'll find another measure of beauty ...

